Stewarding Your Life
I've been there. I finally figured it out, overcome a hurdle, broken through a roadblock, or achieved a goal. It feels so good. I've "arrived"! I like this feeling. I feel empowered, free, on top of the world. I want to stay here forever. I've found my zone. But now I have a new responsibility - I need to steward this new experience for God's glory. I need to ask Him how He wants me to use my new-found freedom. I doubt that God released this in me so that I could just benefit myself. Tunnel vision isn't good in the long run. Granted, in order to achieve my above accomplishment I utilized a healthy dose of tunnel vision - or intense focus. But then I need to broaden my focus again and figure out where I am now in the grand scheme of things and how this new "thing" fits into the bigger picture. Have you ever seen or heard about the wheel of life? Picture a pie and each slice represents areas of your life that you can impact....