Stewarding Your Life
I've been
there. I finally figured it out,
overcome a hurdle, broken through a roadblock, or achieved a goal. It feels so
good. I've "arrived"!
I like this
feeling. I feel empowered, free, on top
of the world. I want to stay here
forever. I've found my zone. But now I
have a new responsibility - I need to steward this new experience for God's
glory. I need to ask Him how He wants me
to use my new-found freedom. I doubt
that God released this in me so that I could just benefit myself.
Tunnel vision isn't
good in the long run. Granted, in order
to achieve my above accomplishment I utilized a healthy dose of tunnel vision -
or intense focus. But then I need to broaden my focus again and figure out where
I am now in the grand scheme of things and how this new "thing" fits
into the bigger picture.
Have you ever seen
or heard about the wheel of life? Picture a pie and each slice represents areas
of your life that you can impact.
Different people use different categories but for sake of this article,
I'll use these: Spiritual, Relational,
Financial, Physical, Career, and Personal.
So, the idea is to have balance in each of these categories in order to
have a well-rounded life represented by each slice being the same size.
I like to think of
it as stewarding each of these categories.
What does God want me to do, feel, act, or experience in these
categories? How will I know this? I need
to ask Him. Reality is that you can't be
perfectly balanced. However, if we don't
re-visit this wheel occasionally, we can find ourselves definitely "out of
balance" with one or two slices getting bigger while others are
Let's get personal -
I recently learned a new eating style that resonates with me, and I've found
success at losing weight and feeling great.
At first I spent a lot of time reading books, learning new recipes, and
creating a new mindset toward food and eating habits. I found that much of my day was absorbed with
Facebook groups, recipe blogs, shopping trips, and dirty dishes. I did not spend much time in my spiritual,
career, or financial category (in fact I broke the budget a time or two). It wasn't that my new knowledge was wrong,
but I started taking it to such an extreme that it did impact the other
categories of my life. Eventually I "looked up" and realized
how intensely focused I was and decided that I needed to regroup. My goal is to
have a well-rounded life, and it became much easier to balance this new eating
lifestyle into the pie after I felt a level of accomplishment in it.
So, what my example
is trying to explain is that at times, you do need to put extra effort and
focus on one category at the expense of others in order to make progress,
however, you can't stay there. The other
categories miss you - especially if there are people in those categories who
have felt left out.
How do you know if
you are out of balance? Ask God -
especially if your desire is to love God by obediently stewarding all your
categories for Him. He just might tell
you to ask the people who love you what they think. I bet they have some insight they'd love to
share with you…
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